Monday, September 12, 2011

"Want to go to the Cliffs of Moher tomorrow?"

I cannot believe the life I am living right now. Colleen and I decided Friday night to take the Barret Bus Tour to the Cliffs of Moher on Saturday, I mean how unreal is that? Well anyway, so we took the bus tour with a few friends there and made a few stops along the way.

So the bus picked us up in the Limerick city centre and we were off. Our first stop of the day was the Cathair Chonaill Stone Fort. This is a picture of Colleen and I infront of it.

Our next stop was Poulnabrone Tomb. This was not what I was expecting at all, but it was really neat. The whole ground was covered with these limestone rocks. The entire surrounding area was the same way. The guide was saying that after carbon dating some bodies from this area they found that they dated back about 6,000 years old. 

Some of these pictures are out of order but here is one of Colleen and I jumping off the Cliffs of Moher, no big deal. 

And here is the infamous meal. I would not stop talking about this meal for the rest of the day. I don't know if it was because I was starving or because it was just that good, but this plate of bangers and mash was heavenly. We went to a pub called Gus O'Connel's in a really cute small town called Doolin. That's also a glass of Smithwicks, my drink of choice here.

This is another picture at the Cliffs of Moher.

So, being young adventurous girls we decided to climb past the "Do not enter" signs and explore. We were sitting inches from the edge of the cliff but it was the most exhilarating thing I've ever seen. And as you can probably gather from the pictures it was super windy all day.

These are the two girls Colleen and I have gotten really close to. On the left is Hannah and she is from St. Louis, and the one between Colleen and I is Ana and she is from New York. This picture was at the forts and tombs of Burren in Caherconnell. 

This picture is from a set of cliffs that were on the side of the road. Our tour guide told us about how beautiful it was, pulled over, and gave us a chance to get pictures. 

And here are the pictures of the Cliffs of Moher. I do not think these pictures or what I have to say would do these cliffs justice. At one point I was taking a picture and as I put the camera down I remember thinking, "My god, there is no way this camera is going to be able to show everyone at home how amazing this is." It literally took my breath away. Just being somewhere like this, realizing how epic this place is was extremely humbling. 

So the impromptu weekend trip was a success, and next on the agenda is the Ring of Kerry the weekend of the 30th. Now onto attempting some homework, ugh.

1 comment:

  1. You think that's a good weekend? I went to the Jackson Outlets this past weekend. Jealous?

    Actually, I wish. My weekend wasn't that exciting. Just wanted to make you envious.

    When you come back, go to Google Earth and you can zoom in on all of these cool places. I do that from time to time when I think about our trip.

    ~Your Big Bro
