Sunday, September 25, 2011

Twenty One

I never thought I'd see the day, but I made it to my twenty first birthday. I turned twenty on Space Mountain in Magic Kingdom, and twenty one in Ireland, twenty two better step it up!

I started off the day going to a market in the city called "The Milk Market" ( and I loved it! It was this huge outdoor market with all these vendors selling everything from antiques, books, to clothes, produce, other food, jewelry, flowers, anything you could imagine! There were groups of children playing instruments for money all the way to old men sitting in a corner playing instruments, it was so interesting! Of course when I saw the cheese stand I had a mini heart attack so I bought myself pesto gouda and some garlic salami. They were both absolutely delicious! This market is so interesting, I can't wait to bring my parents there and show them, it's the epitome of Irish culture.

Then to move further into the day, I was told to come down to Colleen's apartment before we left for the night because she had a surprise for me. She baked me a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing from scratch!! It was so delicious and it meant so much to me that she did that!! I'm very lucky to have people taking such good care of me :)

So, later that night we needed a place to celebrate my birth and where better to do that than at O'Connell's?! Ana, Hannah, Colleen and I headed out and spent the night there, while some other friends joined us for a little while. We had a great time and the bartenders that we made friends with treated us very well. We always have such a great time there. Last time we were there we made friends with a group of older women who were such a blast and we actually saw them there again last night so it was a lot of fun to get to hang out and dance with them again. They're just all so nice!

The pictures below are of the sash that Colleen bought me, the cake she made, and the drink that one of the bartenders gave me since it was my birthday. It was a great night shared with a lot of great people. As the Irish would say, "it was good craic" (crack). This coming weekend I will be taking a weekend trip to the Ring of Kerry and then the following weekend I will be going to Dublin! I have a lot of fun things coming up so I will be keeping everyone posted!


  1. That is such a cute dress... You go girl!! Happy Bday

  2. Yes, Ran I am going to wear it when I go to Limerick!

