Thursday, September 1, 2011

Settling in quite nicely

Alright, so I'm finally in and settled and I couldn't be happier about it. I was going crazy living out of those suitcases (which by the way I have become a pro at maneuvering). I moved in on Tuesday and I was blown away, the apartment I'm living in is so big! There is one main hallway with door ways that lead to the common room which consists of couches and a television, and the kitchen, and then the bedroom doors. I've posted pictures on face book so you can see the fancy life of a UL student. I mostly hung out and went shopping the first few days, I'm slowly learning where the best places to go for everything are. Unfortunately I had to learn the hard way by walking an hour each way to the grocery store to learn that there is a cheaper one much closer. We also went into the "City Center" as they call it and went shopping for the things I need for the apartment, more food, a curling iron, ext. I never realized how hard it is to shop for basic necessities in another country. None of the brands are the same, you have no idea whats good quality and what isn't, the currency isn't the same, and you have to buy everything with such a tight budget. Definitely the hardest thing I've had to do so far because you know how I like to find my bargains. Today we had orientation all day and they pretty much went over everything that we needed to know about registering for classes, joining clubs, showing us around campus, and giving us the ins and outs. This campus is HUGE but it's so pretty, it absolutely puts Rowan to shame. I am never going to be able to find my way around, plus they run classes or "modules" so differently here. I go to the classes of my choice for the first week, pick the ones I like, then make my schedule. This seems a lot nicer but it drives me crazy because I like knowing everything right away. But I'll survive, luckily every single person is more than willing to help if you're lost or confused.

I have two room mates so far, both guys from Ireland so that's neat because I feel like I'm totally getting the Irish experience. They said it's usually 3 girls and 3 guys so the rest should be in this weekend. The two guys that are here so far are extremely nice and seem like a lot of fun. This weekend will be a lot of getting last minute things, planning my classes, and getting myself set up to begin classes. Hope you guys all survived the storm okay! Cheers

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