Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dublin part two

Well this weekend was Hannah and Colleen's birthday weekend (yes, they get a whole weekend), and we decided to spend it in Dublin! We left Friday after class and took a bus into the city and that was about a 4 hour bus ride. Once we arrived in the city we were starving so we decided to grab fast food (since that's the only thing open at that time) and head to our hostel. Little did we know, our friend Ana had accidentally left her purse on the bus that had her entire wallet in it. We called the bus company to try and catch them but they did not handle our situation with the urgency we would have liked.

We stayed at Four Courts Hostel and it was much better than I had anticipated! I expected peeling paint on the wall, rats running across the floor, and a smelly old guy at a desk. The hostel was very hip and decorated for young travelers. There was a mural in the common room with all different American singers, Frank Zappa posters, chalk boards, televisions, and just fun little things all over. We had a private room for the four of us so I felt a little spoiled. There was free breakfast each morning and you had to do your own dishes. I actually thought that was kind of fun!

The next day we got up and went for a walk around the city to check out the main streets like O'Connell St. and Grafton St. They were a lot of fun and had some fun street performers. After we got our fill of shopping we headed to Zulu Tattoo (a pretty famous tattoo parlor in the city) because the girls each wanted to get tattoos. I was very close to getting one but I wasn't 100% committed to it so I figured I would wait. The people at the tattoo parlor were extremely friendly and fit them right in! After they all got inked up, we headed to dinner. We went to a pub and had the typical pub meal and then made our way back to the hostel to get ready to go out. We went to the Temple Bar area and went to a few different pubs and night clubs. When we got to one we heard that "Fat Boy Scoop" would be DJing. Naturally that meant nothing to me but Colleen started freaking out. Apparently he's pretty famous, he is the guys voice who screams words in the Missy Elliot song "Lose Control". I recognized his voice as soon as I heard it so that was pretty fun.

Sunday was spent eating, going from Garda station to Garda station looking for Ana's purse, and watching them film a new Indian movie "Bollywood". We headed home on Sunday and made it back to UL at about 7:30. We went out that night for Colleen's to a local club for UL students and had a lot of fun!

It was a very fun weekend and I'm so thankful to have such great friends to spend these times with! This week and weekend will be devoted to getting ahead on home work and studying so that way I don't get behind once I start traveling. I had my first test last week and got a B-, pretty good for balancing school and traveling the world huh? Okay I'm currently in the library with the intention of writing a paper so I am going to get to it. Cheers!

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