Monday, August 29, 2011


Alright so good news, I made it here without drowing! I have been in Dublin since Saturday with Eurolearn doing the bridging cultures program, which is a program designed to get us used to living and adapting to the Irish culture. It's really neat because we have two advisers who are showing us all around and we are getting to experience a lot of things that we wouldn't normally think to do. They took us on a bus tour of the city the first day but we were all so exhausted that we slept through most of it. And then at night we went to dinner and an Irish step dancing show where there was Irish music and dancers. It was super fun and everything you would expect an Irish pub to be. The mic stands for the musicians had a beer holder attached, it was quite entertaining. You know how I can never just blend in, they pulled me up on stage with a group and made me dance so my group found that pretty funny. The next day we went to a very important Gaelic soccer game and it was absolute crazy-ness. The fans are all so intense but they aren't hostile towards each other which is very strange but makes it that much more enjoyable. It was the Dublin team verses Donegal and Dublin won so that was a lot of fun to be there for that. Then at night the girls I'm with and I went out to a pub and that was a lot of fun to get to interact with the people in this city. They're all so nice and genuine so it makes it very easy to just start talking to people. And then today we went sight seeing to Trinity College and yes Mom, I saw the Book of Kells and the huge library right after it. They were all so mind blowing, I just loved taking it all in and trying to fathom how historic everything was. Then we went to Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin and got a tour of the bell tower where they ring the bells. The old man giving the tour was kind of boring and I may or may not have dozed off while we was talking but I still found the Church absolutely beautiful. We leave Dublin tomorrow and we take a train to the University of Limerick so that's all for now. I love the people in my group so it's going to be sad to say good bye to some of them (some are going to other schools in Ireland) but I'm very excited to finally un pack everything!! I will post pictures tonight after dinner, Cheers.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Making a list, and checking it twice.

So, I have decided to blog about my experiences as I study abroad in Limerick, Ireland. I will be going from August 27-December 19, and traveling with the one and only Colleen Mary Murphy. Our flight is on Friday, August 26 at 9:50pm and we are quite excited to get ourselves out of South Jersey and do a little traveling! We will fly into Dublin and do some sight seeing for a few days with the group we are traveling with (Eurolearn) and then we will head to Limerick. There really isn't much to say yet since we haven't embarked on our trip so I will keep you on the edge of your seat until the next post. Cheers.